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Apron for Steel Shots √
Kashima-style Nunome Hammer Head by JP √
School Nunome Hammer Head by JP √
Kashima-style Nunome Hammer by JP with Bamboo handle √
School Nunome Hammer by JP with Bamboo Handle √
Kashima Nunome Hammer Head by N.L. √
School Nunome Hammer by N.L. √
Kashima Nunome Hammer by NL with handle √
School Nunome Hammer by NL with handle
Otafuku Hammer : 21mm √
Blank Rectangle Chisel #1 √
Blank Rectangle Chisel #2 √
High Speed Steel (H.S.S.) Chisel #1 - Rectangle tip √
High Steed Steel Chisel #2 - Rectangle √
Foil Cutter √
Burnisher - ø3.5mm √
Foil Pusher √
Foil Pusher : Set of 8 √
Fine Silver Foil √
Copper Foil √